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Questar Surplus Silent Bid Form

Instructions: Please fill out the bid sheet completely. Incomplete information will disqualify your bid. Use this bid sheet to submit a bid. All bids for individual items will be subject to the bidding rules and closing dates stated with the item listings. If you are bidding on more than five items at a time, you must submit additional bid sheet(s). 

   This is my initial bid on these items.
   This bid will supersede my previous bid.
   I would like to cancel my bids on the items listed below.
*Zip Code:  
*Phone Number:   Example: (888) 111-1234
*Fax Number:  
*E-mail Address:  
*Please enter the item number along with your bid amount. Please read the disclaimer on the surplus materials for sale page. All bids considered tie bids will go to the bid that was first received. You will be contacted within two business days if you have won the bid on the items you list below.
Item #1: Quantity: Bid Amount:
Item #2: Quantity: Bid Amount:
Item #3: Quantity: Bid Amount:
Item #4: Quantity: Bid Amount:
Item #5: Quantity: Bid Amount:
*Required fields.
Please complete the following verification.
Enter the words you see in the box, in order and separated by a space.

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